Monday, March 17, 2008

The Age of <*Insert Clever Title Here*>

Hey ppl,wazza??
Typical looser greeting of a drunken asshole to the power infinity & beyond, and ya u are rite in wondering what do have to shit after that witty term!! Quite possibly not as lucidly alluring as the jargon that's building up in the post..Ok i give up, the hardest thing about posting at 4 a.m. in the morning(that's after not being able to sleep the whole night) is that you start your post in a very enthusiastic way, and then as it progresses down a few line you have third & quadruple thoughts...ENOUGH!! If i were the person who wanted to copy this post from the blog cuz it was interesting, then i would edit out the content i wrote before this and do it from here....
Jerry Sienfield, now who would have thought that he would also be one hell of a motivation guru, no he isn't starting seminars or anything, but once when quizzed how does he manage his quirky/witty shows, pat came his reply that he practices humor everyday.And what better way to do that than write everyday, that's how one should practice. So for that,he suggests to rake up a nice big calender and make a long cross if you do the thing you wanted to do that day, and in this fashion, keep on marking.This was termed as "Don't Break The Chain" Method, and although it sounds layman n silly, dude it does work!! Well i have at least maintained one such calender on my blog from that site and plan to write here everyday, to improve my skills and garner a good rating amongst the Bloglitrates..

Come on,i'm starting to get noticed, 11 people have visited my blog in the past week(4 out which is me coming everyday to see it,see the statcounter for details)!! Just waiting for the benefits of maintaining a blog o creep in, like google starting my adsense space, people noticing that i actually can write stuff and make it good, and that fateful day, when i'll be approached to write for a Comic/Movie/Serial/Site just anything, n am gonna work hard for it!! --Amen-- to that..

So, guess it's time for me to leave for my morning walk, checking out!!
Happy Landings..

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