By the way, this post is about neither of them, as a matter of fact, nothing what-so-ever is related to anything, except for the fact that, looked closely enough, anything and everything is related or is relative to the other!!
Naah,this isn't some philosophical babble or some confunding text to eat up one's time, what i want to say, rather what i dont want to say is that instead, based on the current crop of the disposable outlook(more on about that later), the things are what they are! Say, the association, or to be more precise, the link or the relation(so many words for one thing) are just plain relative, they might hold true in one of the three time(Past ,Present or Future), and that just about sums up everything!! One of the chief sub-theory leading to The Grand Unified Theory is this - Relativity.Physics might not come in between in a hard-core way, Meta-physics still implies a basic sense of direction of the points that i wish to put forward(in my opinion that is!!)
This is not an attempt to do ANYTHING, except perhaps, to explain a mangled soul(more on that too later), The Grand Unified Theory or GUT- Theory, which encompasses everything, ya everything under the sun,even if you might not find it relevant or ...Leave it just keep reading on!! Expect some more great stuff,uhh..well just stuff for now, great will take time.Ciao!!
Explain the terms in detail, that is if you want it to make sense to the rest of us too.
By the way, you are right.
Great WILL take time
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
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